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Towards a Topology of the Afterworld

I’ve been painting for the last couple of days, and speaking of painting, last night we saw a good French movie about a painter, Séraphine. Quite beautiful and inspiring, if a bit slow in spots. It made me want to paint more!

This is “Fjord at Balestrand,” acrylic on canvas, 20″ by 16″. I based it on this photograph that I took on our trip to Norway, photo that I already blogged a few days ago, but I’ll put it here for comparison.

I like the theatrical way that the mountains on either side of the fjord frame the view. As the act of painting was getting good to me, I went ahead and did another one.

This is “Magic Door,” acrylic on canvas. 14″ by 18″. In fairy tales and science fiction stories, people often encounter magic doors to other worlds. Here I started with a kind of grid that’s based on the reflection patterns in water. And then I filled in a lot of little “doors,” arranging them so that the whole pattern makes a door in itself.

As always, you can find more info at my paintings page.

I’m also thinking about Jim and the Flims. The other day I blogged about “What is a Soul?”—and many thanks to you readers for all the interesting and far-out comments. The next step I’ve been thinking about is how to fit the afterworld into the scheme of things. I decided to put the afterworld down in the subdimensions, at the smallest possible size. By the time I came up with the model, there were quite a few constraints in the story, so the representation is kind of intricate, shown above.

That’s a border snail connecting our world to the subdimensional Flimsy, which is a kind of bubble inside an electron-sized ball of Living Water. Purgatory is in there too, with three levels, if you tunnel down into that cone in the soil of Flimsy, and proceed through the three levels of Purgatory, you can sail down from Flimsy’s sky. The well-like hole is the Supreme Jiva’s burrow. I’ll say more about all this some other time, right now I’m tired out from paitning.

My latest project is to turn my little sketch image into a big painting with the working title, “Topology of the Afterworld,” Acrylic on canvas. 40″ by 30″. Here’s a photo of how the painting looks today. The blank middle part says, “Coming Soon!”

2 Responses to “Towards a Topology of the Afterworld”

  1. mariana Says:

    I loved the painting extracted from the photograph, is very good that one, well the phogoraph is also incredible, you chanched pretty much the colors. And I like a lot the painting below that one two, its very very good

  2. HAL-1701 Says:


    ( it seems that this is something you’re supposed to hear about later… )

    — IT is ‘max’ at 6:26 pm pacific coast time.

    there are a few web-live things…
    i put the links in next reply..

    IT LASTS ONLY EIGHT MINUTES TOPS, so it ‘starts’ at about 6:22 PM (pacific coast time)

    this is not a ho-hum eclipse !

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