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End of the Year

It’s getting on towards the end of the year.

Nice shadow of some stained glass. I like to think that our universe is like the stained glass, the cosmic One is the light, and bright shadows are what we see.

We saw the Los Gatos Christmas parade a few weeks back. I wasn’t shooting all that well that day, but I like this mysterious news-photo-like shot of a baseball player in an old Cadillac.

Always love the kids blatting their horns.

“Woman With Jellyfish,” oil on canvas, December, 2013, 24” x 30”. Click for a larger version of the painting.

I redid my painting, “Woman With Jellyfish” this week. It looked too plain, and now it’s bright. Christmassy.

My painting show reception and a readingfrom The Big Aha be at Borderlands Books on Friday, January 17, from 5 to 7. I’m planning to hang most the paintings that appear as chapter heads in The Big Aha.

I wish you a peaceful holiday season!

One Response to “End of the Year”

  1. Justin Patrick Moore Says:

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Rudy.

    May giant jellyfish send you joyous pink beams of enlightanglement! Aha!

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