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Vote Democratic

Tuesday is the big election day we’ve been waiting for. It’s finally our chance to be heard!

Help the Democrats take over the Presidency, the Senate and the House! Let’s get our country working again. Let’s heal the damages of the last eight years.

And don’t assume the Democrats can win without you. Remember 2000 and 2004? A close election can be stolen. If we’re going to win, we have to win by a landslide.

We can have a free country again—if we want it.

Vote Democratic on Tuesday.

9 Responses to “Vote Democratic”

  1. Kelson Says:


  2. deni Says:

    happy days amerika

  3. Scott Armstrong Says:

    We need this change!

  4. Ronald Pottol Says:

    I hope you are right.

    Then again, they’ve had congress for two years, and done little beyond pass horrors that Bush and Co were unwilling to try and sneak past a Republican Congress (say, telco amnesty & the good German defense in the FISA bill, for just one example).

    Obama does not seem to be that much of a weasel, but we shall see.

  5. Russ Van Rooy Says:

    Absolutely! Obama & Biden all the way! I would love to see this turn into a landslide, or at least a mandate for the Dems. But a word of caution to everyone: Obama is not going to fix everything overnight. Don’t expect things to get better right away, they won’t. More likely things will get worse before they get better. But Obama is a man who can think on his feet, a man who will inspire us all. I don’t think such a president has existed since JFK.

    Russ in Chicago!

  6. womansvoice Says:

    Rudy said:

    And don’t assume the Democrats can win without you. Remember 2000 and 2004? A close election can be stolen. If we’re going to win, we have to win by a landslide.

    My reply:

    I’ve been writing about this quite a lot in the comments of a well respected online column.

    There is the potential for a full out rout for the Dem party, but the way the GOP has been running in the last 2 weeks, I think the Senate may remain Democratic and the House may not turn over to quite the extent that the TV press seems to be sometimes suggesting, then backing off from suggesting… then hinting again… those camera hounds are so drunk on themselves it’s a wonder any of us regular folks can get a ballot in edgewise.

    Still, this is not about whether or not Obama wins or loses, it’s about whether or not his message that the election is about us, cannot be won without us, and must be supported by us with our actions after all the voting is done… it’s about whether or not we actually get that and start to live that way from this point forward.

    Real change cannot come to the United States unless people take responsibility for their own democracy and get involved in their community politics again. I plan to spend tonight making calls to people in swing states like PA and FL, and to tomorrow supporting my local Obama office with voter support phone calls and optimistic thinking.

    Rudy thanks so much for the postings from your current memoir MSS.

    I thought the part about the kids at Swarthie checking out Master Plods -lolol- in your name was hysterical! I’m glad to see you and your dad had some good times on that campus. You father sounds like a good man, in his own way.

  7. womansvoice Says:

    Olbermann~Maddow 2012!! — or maybe even Maddow~Olbermann -lol-

  8. Steve H Says:

    Whether or not Obama would make a good president is kinda beside the point by this time. I’d vote for Chtulhu and his entire pantheon of brain-eating shoggoths before I’d vote Republican.

  9. Rudy Says:

    YEAH, baby! Let’s do it! The 538 site has good maps and stats.

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