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Narrenschiff and Rudy Jr. Fixed the Sp*m

Thanks, Narrenschiff, for the new add_coment_cgi.php. I put it on my site and tried to post a message with the p-word and it wouldn't go up.

Exciting to get help in this odd global way. Like we're white blood cells.

But then I couldn't post any comments at all, even though I replaced Narrenschiff's file with a fresh version 4 SPHP Probably the problem was actually that I'm using an older version of the SPHP ware, and I've edited that so would rather not change.

So then I went and told Rudy Jr., owner of my host , and he had a similar fix that worked, based on the same version of SPHP that I have installed, he uses it on his First Twins site.

Here's the fix, with the red disk standing for an OR-separated string of dirty words, and the pointy-bracket-enclosed letter b being the HTML tag for boldface, which is a style that sp*mmers like to use.

Onward through the fog.

Talking this over with Rudy at the new Monkeybrains World Headquarters in San Francisco, it was funny, he said “Don't use the p*oker word too much, or talk about c*mments, or even about bl*g, or the BOTS will notice, they'll 'hear' and they'll come swarming.” Peeking in like attack dogs.

Reminds me of how people sometimes are reluctant to say G*d's name or S*tan's.

The Web is seething with artificial life.

4 Responses to “Narrenschiff and Rudy Jr. Fixed the Sp*m”

  1. steve cooley Says:

    Awesome! I’ve been enjoying your site for several months now! We used to live in Los Gatos, so it’s been fun to see your photos from near where we live. We moved to campbell, so we’re still not far away. 🙂

  2. Rudy Says:

    The comments are fine now.
    If you use the p-ker word or an obscentity, or the html boldface tag, you’re redirected to, who’ll know what to do with you!

  3. Scott Kleihege Says:

    the <strong> tag is another way to bold text. You may get sp*mmers to try to attack themselves by redirecting them to “localhost”, sweet
    I like the white blood cell analogy. It also reminds me of rock soup.

  4. Narrenschiff Says:

    Glad you got it working again! I was starting to fret!

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