The Ghosts of Carnivores

by Minister Faust


Story Copyright (C) 2011, Minister Faust.
Images Copyright (C) 2011, Rudy Rucker.
3,000 Words.

Decrypted fragments from the personal journal of Dr. Ulysses Monroe.


...Our penetration across the A’tla barrier into Ramachandra’s previously‑theoretical U‑space will unquestionably place us amongst the greatest scientific minds in human history. The honour is tremendous, of course, and not unfairly bestowed...

At Day Four in the establishment of our base on U‑MGC 1136‑4 we are still continuously astounded at the marvels that abound here. Astronomy, for instance, was extremely excited to be able to view the underside of the Horsehead Nebula through one of the U‑holes. Of course, from this position, and because of U‑spatial distortion, it no longer resembles a horse. Rather, at this proximity, it seems to be a human figure. A woman, in fact. Quite remarkable...

There is great tension over the severance of communication between us and Earth, understandably. The safe and rapid negotiation of the A’tla barrier must resume at once, if we are to survive. Colonel Madison is particularly concerned, and has frequently noted the high energy‑drain exacted by U‑space. The rate of drain is much higher than expected and is... manifested... in other ways... including, but not restricted to, certain basic human drives, especially... hunger. Food stocks are becoming dangerously low...

Unless A’tla penetration (either way) is re‑established soon, we will be forced to resort to highly drastic measures to ensure survival...


...Communication in addition to transit has been at complete severance with Earth for eight days now. There is little reason to resort to self‑delusion at this point. Clearly, our first survey analysis has been all but an utter failure...

For whoever might one day read these final notes, I remind you that we join a not-undistinguished academy of men including the likes Grissom and Volkov, who willingly gave their lives for the extraterrestrial pursuit of knowledge.

We have failed, yes‑‑but only ourselves. Had we not done what I now record, you surely could not be here to read these words at all. Of course, other considerations are felt most strongly now... all the myriad of alternatives and analyses and factors that were not pursued... yet given a thousand years and a million indecisions, would anything have been accomplished without a first action? Far better that we have sacrificed what we have...

Personal factors weigh heavily, not so much for me but for the others, of course, especially, I am told through Col. Madison, the men in Support Services. Yet they knew exactly what dangers they courted when they signed on for this mission... no one was drafted, here...

Should these final words be my epitaph, here on Planet U‑MGC 1136‑4, then I should say that it has been my greatest honour, a glory beyond reckoning, to die in a New Universe, and to have expanded the boundaries of comprehension for the Old one...


...that the moment for which Mankind has waited so long should come at such a time is little short of a thermodynamic miracle.

At last: First Contact.

Initial survey had included the possibility of life‑formation on U‑MGC 1136‑4, but no one, not even our most enthusiastic SETI members, had dared hope there might be sentient xenoforms here. Yet we owe our present existence to these beings...

Communication has been exceedingly difficult, but has been accomplished through a combination of pheromonal and photo‑ electric means...

Of the various descriptors put forth, it has been Dr. Breit’s that is most popular. Thus, Mankind’s first friends in the void shall be known from herein as the U‑Men. An absurdity, of course; no less than Armstrong’s bungling of the simple phrase “One small step for a man...” How odd that the smallest of actions committed by men in crucial areas at crucial times can have such encompassing effects.

The U‑Men are, of course, hardly men in any recognisable fashion. They resemble nothing so much as a giant hybridisation of spider crab and cauliflower. Xenobiology has classified them as some type of cross‑kingdom colony creature. They appear to combine various animal, fungal and plant functions...

They are, of course, ambulatory, which is how they managed to find us. That they are intelligent is indisputable; the nature and range of their intelligence is as of yet unknown. We are as yet unsure as to why they escaped our first biosensor sweeps, although I am assured that an answer is merely days away...

Our discovery of the U‑Men is a coup beyond compare... we can be assured that U‑spatial exploration will receive renewed funding at last. Had we failed, there would have been no more transdimensional exploration whatsoever, thanks to the myopia of the cretinous bureaucrats in Tokyo who are the effective managers of INASA. But this, surely, will capture the imaginations of the planet... a planet weary from military and ecological holocaust. Surely this will guarantee Mankind’s immortality!


...We cannot, of course, contain our jubilation at our own survival. The U‑Men’s assistance with both energy supply, and, astonishingly, edible foodstuffs, has been entirely invaluable...

This strange world, which I had begun to fear would be a lonely, remote grave for me, is regaining its sparkle and wonder for the entire mission staff. The U‑Men, of course, provide a never‑ending stream of data for every department... with the aid of U‑Men “guides,” Col. Madison’s men in Supp. Services are conducting secondary sweeps of U‑terrain, discovering resources fit for human exploitation, and at surprisingly plentiful amounts.

The carbon base for life on U‑MGC 1136‑4 has meant the formation of certain petroleum‑like deposits... diamonds, too... the proximity of supernova activity has also meant large supplies of gold, platinum, uranium... Chemistry reports we may have found the first stable, naturally‑occurring quanta of Mendelevium and Americium in the known universe...

The Horsehead Nebula is a never‑ending source of amazement for me. It seems odd to refer to it as such, here, where it cannot vaguely be described in equine terms. I have been observing it at great length, when duties permit... it most definitely resembles a human figure with one arm raised, not entirely unlike Orion, save that it is distinctly female. had always made the Horsehead Nebula appear so purplish, and beautifully so, with great flares of black and sweeping trails of indigo and a bruised violet.

Yet here there is so much more to see in it. Rather than purple, the dominant colour is blue. From Earth, the red had mixed to create the purplish aspect, yet here there is a very definite distinction.

The lower portion, resembling legs and torso, is clearly defined in streams of fabulous red, the colour of venal blood. Laid next to these paths are glittering trails of white, brilliantly off‑setting the crimson bands. In the arms and head region of the nebula, the bluer aspects are clearly defined, inset with stars that wink in, out, in...

Further investigation of this phenomenon has led Astronomy to believe that we may be the first human beings to have witnessed pulsar activity with our naked eyes.

The stars in the blue fields twinkle dramatically, not at all like terrestrial “twinkling.” No terrestrial description could do this sight justice. It is overwhelming, consuming. The sight of this will be with me for the rest of my life.


Earth’s demands upon Tranquility Base are becoming increasingly unreasonable and are a source of singular irritation for the entire company.

INASA seems to have no appreciation of the difference between operations here and at home‑‑not merely U‑physical distortion of our experiments, but the psychological effects of this existence. It is like nothing on Earth. And INASA has no comprehension of why resource‑extraction and data‑flow have not kept apace with “similar” missions like the Titan and Io expeditions. Similar! Nothing is similar. No one has done what we have done.

I cannot allow the brutishness of idiots, whether or Earth or here in Tranquility, to impede our work. Col. Madison has repeatedly issued me warnings about the morale amongst the Supp. Servs, who apparently have not been as adept as they should have been at adapting to conditions here.

I have difficulty maintaining my patience for military personnel who complain about Camp conditions, and have told Col. Mad. that such discontent is strictly his concern, as I have the exploration of a Universe to accomplish. I also suggested that he point out to them that it is Earth, not Base Command, that is responsible for any conditions (i.e., culinary) that may not meet their so‑cultivated satisfaction...

Relations with the U‑Men are increasingly problematical. SETI claims that the source of their dissatisfaction is the pace of our resource extraction. They have been instructed to use all their powers of diplomacy to insure that Tranquility meets its energy and resource needs.

I am personally disappointed that the U‑Men have become so intransigent, given our willingness to provide them with various synthetic products including fertilisers and photosynthetic catalysts. Unfortunately gratitude seems to have no easy analogue in their bio‑culture...

Observable nebular activity has been particularly spectacular of late. Cosmography informs me that increased excitement of outer heliospheric plumes may have been exacerbated by our presence here. I am able to observe much greater detail in the woman‑like qualities of the nebula than ever before: a suggestion of eyes and hair, or perhaps a crown. Extraordinary.

I’m told that the images are being greeted with great appreciation on Earth. I very much doubt that the pictures sent back can in any way compare to what I experience here...


...relations are quickly deteriorating with the U‑Men even as Earth places greater demands on us than before.

Because damnable INASA strictures as to when- and how- have not been met with the strictest of accordance, our research here is jeopardised by the obtuse greed of Earth‑bound appointees. Madness! Tranquility is the lens through which Earth has seen a new Universe and these cro‑magnons have not enough sense to open their eyes!

...Col. Madison has assured me that Tranquility has reached a high enough level of local productive and recycling capability to be self‑sufficient within one month. I and the chiefs of staff have concluded that we must present an ultimatum to INASA at that time, calling for greater autonomy in our research and operations. We must be allowed to continue in ways as only we, here, can see as necessary.

Col. Mad. is certain that we can control A’tla penetration, thus making any punitive effort from Earth impossible. Therefore the decision is ours.

The supp. servs have accepted as truth our proposition that INASA has turned its back on Tranquility. Even the nebula seems to agree. Plume activity seemed to place a smile on its face yesterday.


...To our great disappointment no nation has offered to become Tranquility’s patron and so, after rigourous preparation by the chiefs of staff and supp. servs, we have become entirely self‑sufficient and declared our autonomy from Earth. This has been a very difficult decision but one that we have found entirely necessary if our work is to continue...

Astronomy reports that the other planets in the U‑MGC 1136 system will be ideal for future expansion. For now, our chief concern is the further settlement of Tranquility.

Further exploration and future needs will require greater living space and we will construct as necessary. Unfortunately the U‑Men are becoming more strident by the day; we may require stern negotiations if we are to acquire what we need from Tranquility. It may be some time before we have a change of mind from Earth, and until then the assimilation of U‑MGC 1136‑4 remains our goal.


...had been prepared to negotiate further with the U‑Men until this final act, perhaps totally impairing the cultivation of our half of land‑mass on which Base resides.

They have completely rejected our explanations as to our requirements and the accidental and regrettable indigenous casualties that have been incurred. We must have this land and cannot allow what amounts to bio‑terrorism to frighten us into submission.

SETI is divided on the question of response, Dr. Payne especially so, but Dr. Benjamin’s section stands with me in noting the amoral nature of the U‑Men’s attack, which caught all of Tranquility by surprise. Dr. Benjamin concludes that their methods may in fact indicate a biological incapability of moral conception owing to an absence of higher cognitive capabilities...

According to Reconn’s report, a detachment of servs who had been securing the western zone were discovered deceased, their capillaries clogged with an unknown fungus. On some members of the detachment the growth had advanced enough that severe decomposition of their bodies had occurred. The report indicated that one corporal had stamen‑like pseudopods growing from his eye‑sockets exuding great belches of dripping purple spores. Another corporal was found with two fist‑sized black and yellow tubers pumping where her heart should have been, apparently providing nourishment to a colony of tadpole‑like creatures in her lungs. Her legs and arms appeared to have sprouted root or rhyzoidal structures into the neighbouring corporal’s body...

Col. Mad. has coordinated with Botany to initiate planetary herbicide immediately...


...celebrated our first month’s anniversary of planetary peace with a feast held in the open, lit by starlight. The nebula flared magnificently tonight. She is far more dramatic now than ever before...

SETI, no longer distracted indigenous infestations and plagues, has divided into two sections‑‑one that studies native life, and another that studies transplanted life, on Tranquility. Each is fascinated by the capability of the simple creatures they study to survive.

SETI‑Behavioral, Transplanted, reports that our data and pharmaceutical dissemination amongst the servs has led to the creation of some type of mysticism regarding the nebula. How fascinating! Of course, it is a spectacular sight, and I can see how the simpler mind could become entranced by her beauty, conceivably, even, to the point of worship. Here on this frontier, men are faced with special burdens and crises... perhaps it is well and good that the servs should have something to give them comfort...


The First Anniversary of Tranquility’s existence has met with great joviality amongst the chiefs of staff, and the banquet was a wonderful distraction from the rigours of our continual data‑processing! What work it is to assimilate a Universe.

The long‑expected capitulation by Old‑Worlders to our requests has meant new shipments of long‑absent foodstuffs. I had not eaten fresh eggs or cheese in months. Dr. Benjamin indulged in lamb. Even Dr. Payne’s disagreeability could not succeed in discouraging my good cheer...

Of course, hydroponics had been supplying Base Command with fresh vegetables and fruits for some time, but I had grown tired of their crop of bananas and oranges. What a delight to eat Old‑World‑grown strawberries. The nebula has smiled on our efforts...

The only disturbance to our celebration was Col. Mad’s aside to me that the servs are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with restrictions on their freedom of movement, activity and association. Although we have explained to them the demands of Colony life, they seem incapable of understanding the sacrifices this entails. I have instructed Col. Mad. that no further collective bargaining activities are to be allowed, and to deal with any future strike attempts like the one in South Quadrant in a similarly conclusive fashion...


...Dr. Payne’s continual second‑guessing and contradiction of my orders... now gone from problematical to critical. Col. Mad. agrees that Payne’s dissatisfaction presents significant threat to security of Tranquility and has undertaken appropriate measures.

Automation rendered nearly complete thanks to my Operation Advance. Inconvenience and disruption of our neutralisation of most of the servs seemed almost insurmountable to many chiefs of staff, but as I assured them from beginning, we can and will continue our assimilation of Tranquility on Schedule...

No reason why the close of the decade should not see our complete control of Tranquility through robotic maintenance, which will be the mere spring‑board for our Stewardship of this solar system...


Col. Mad’s pacification of separatist Southern quadrant has eliminated final impediment to unification of Tranquility. Android proliferation has more than accommodated for absence of servs, and resulted in increased productivity as well.

Old‑World now bargains with us as equals...

This is how things should be, as any who see the Nebula know...


Year One celebrations were met with spectacular Approval by the Nebula. She appeared to dance for us, great robes fluttering and arm upraised, hand on fire, perhaps in salute to our triumph of Will...

Tranquility’s interplanetary settlements on U‑MGC 1136‑3 and ‑5 accomplished with minimal loss of property and maximal harvests. Unfortunate that Col. Mad. could not maintain appetites within reason, for expeditionary units would surely have claimed more territory under his guidance...

Base Command is now unified under my Wisdom and further disruptions have been aborted before conception. Elimination of all but twenty‑one chiefs of staff has resulted in greater Efficiency and Action...

Still, further curtailing will become possible and Necessary soon if Tranquility’s Hegemony is to be Extended...


...Android colonisation of Tranquility System complete. Inter‑ stellar colonisation of U‑space at hand. Prospect fills me with joy, expectation. Command Council feels similar but perhaps not enthusiastic enough. Exactly this sort of sluggishness of Spirit and Intellect that poses Threat to Tranquility. The Nebula knows...

Soon there will be no more Councillors, and there will only be pure, perfect, ever‑expanding Tranquility.


“From the theological side, we are told that ... the seeming injustices and immoralities of nature will be compensated by and by. But how this compensation is to be effected, in the case of the great majority of sentient things, is not clear. I apprehend that no one is seriously prepared to maintain that ... the ghosts of carnivores are to go to some kennel where there is neither a pan of water nor a bone with any meat on it.”

“The Struggle for Existence in Human Society”
—T.H. Huxley



About the Author

Minister Faust is a Canadian author, journalist and broadcaster. His first novel, The Coyote Kings of the Space-Age Bachelor Pad, was a finalist for the Philip K. Dick, Locus Best First Novel and Compton-Crook award. His second novel, a political satire called From the Notebooks of Doctor Brain, won the Carl Brandon Society Kindred Award and was the runner-up for the Philip K. Dick Award. His forthcoming novel deals with the growing and vast Somali-Canadian community and the experiences of Sudanese “lost boys.”

A full-time writer for a video game studio, Minister Faust lives in Edmonton, Alberta, with his wife and two daughters. They all possess super-powers.

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